Center School Update July 2024  

Phase IV of the Restoration Process has begun on the exterior of the east side of the Schoolhouse.  

Drive by and see the changes.  


Center School Restoration has begun! READ MORE

About the Society

Formation of the Atkinson Historical Society

At a meeting held November 12, 1954, in the Atkinson Congragational Church, Reverend Roland D Sawyer spoke on the value to a town of a town historical society. There were 28 people present. Evidently Reverend Sawyer was persuasive, for those present voted unanimously to form the Atkinson Historical Society. 

Society Objective

-To collect, acquire, secure, preserve and display records and materials pertaining to Atkinson's history at the Kimball Museum in the Parson Peabody House.

-To restore, replace and preserve by any method necessary, on site or by moving, historical objects of any kind, such as monuments, buildings, gravestones, etc.

-To maintain guardianship over whatever presents itself under the term "Atkinson New Hampshire History".