Returning by popular demand! The Atkinson Historical Society will again be offering scarecrow kits.
These have quickly sold out for seven years running and we are offering pre-orders for the 2024 season.
These are one-of-a-kind hand-painted burlap heads and body forms. You provide the clothes and personality and help us add to this fun fall tradition we share with neighboring towns
Lets cover the town in scarecrows!
Price: $30, Pick up at Kimball House
Don't be shut out, reserve your scarecrow today! \Proceeds will assist the society in their preservation efforts of the history of Atkinson
Questions: Call (603) 362-9317 or email
Center School Update September 2024
Phase IV Restoration of the East Side of the building has been completed.
Drive by and see the changes.
About the Society
Formation of the Atkinson Historical Society
At a meeting held November 12, 1954, in the Atkinson Congragational Church, Reverend Roland D Sawyer spoke on the value to a town of a town historical society. There were 28 people present. Evidently Reverend Sawyer was persuasive, for those present voted unanimously to form the Atkinson Historical Society.
Society Objective
-To collect, acquire, secure, preserve and display records and materials pertaining to Atkinson's history at the Kimball Museum in the Parson Peabody House.
-To restore, replace and preserve by any method necessary, on site or by moving, historical objects of any kind, such as monuments, buildings, gravestones, etc.
-To maintain guardianship over whatever presents itself under the term "Atkinson New Hampshire History".